Reaper Bones 77144: Mummy (Gender-Ambiguous March ’19)

Reaper Bones 77144: Mummy

Yeah, I’m way behind in posting stuff for this month. So here’s the first batch – some Mummies from Reaper Bones, via one of their Kickstarter campaigns. I did these using a different method to the usual ways I paint mummies. More of a lighter set of bandages, and a darker wash to create more of a contrast. These figures are the ideal type to experiment on, as they’re basically disposable garbage models. These were one of the sets of models that inspired the challenge for March, as desiccated, bandage-wrapped walking corpses are pretty much a definition of “gender-ambiguous”. They make a pretty good unit for Kings of War, which makes it all the more unfortunate that the models are so rubbish. Ah well!