Conan Kickstarter’s Dragon (#Monstermarch3 ’19, Gender-Ambiguous March ’19)

Conan Kickstarter's Dragon

Another of the models from the Conan Kickstarter today. This time, it’s the “Dragon”. I have to say, that when I first opened up this model, I was pretty disappointed. Obviously, I’d seen the overall design of the model from the KS advertising, but I wasn’t really expecting it to be so (relatively) small (for a “dragon”) once in hand.

Conan Kickstarter's Dragon

I was, in fact, so un-enamoured of this model that once I opened it, it took me several months to halfheartedly spray it with a dark green I had, and then let it sit for ….I dunno. More than six months, easily. Any number of Neglected Model months also passed by without tempting me to get this thing out and paint it, even though it was stored in a tub of “neglected monster” models for ease of access for a painting challenge.

Conan Kickstarter's Dragon

Once again, then – Swordmaster of Hoeth’s Monster March was the impetus for me to see the model in that tub and decide to smash it out to get rid of it and get it done and out of the way. I’m grateful for him running this challenge, as without it, this model would still be sitting in the tub, annoying me whenever I laid eyes on it.

I used their official/box art for my guide, basically, because I didn’t care enough about this model to try and do anything special with it. There’s a turquoise wash involved, as well as various layers of drybrushing. The concept artwork, like much of the stuff from this Kickstarter is taken from the Age of Conan MMORPG.

Conan Kickstarter's Dragon

The (tiny) eyes were picked out in yellow, and then I decided to give them little slit pupils. This close-up shows how much the thing looks like a cheap PVC dinosaur toy. Actually, the stuff from Papo and Schleich are much better.

Conan Kickstarter's Dragon

As with yesterday’s monster, here’s a scale shot alongside a Space Marine. You can see how small the thing is for a “Dragon”, and how disappointing this model is for US$30 (or $40 at RRP!) Ah well, can’t do anything about money badly spent. Model is painted, finished, available for gaming. It’s still not a great model, but it’s finished and I no longer need to waste energy disliking it. That’s as good as this one is going to get!

I’ve got a couple more Monsters I’m trying to get done before March ends (including the ones I originally intended to complete!), so hopefully Swordmaster can hold off for a couple of days before he does his round-up!