Terrain and Neglected Models: June 2019 Community Painting Challenge – Community Round-Up

mcmattilaminis’ Silverlions Stormcast Retributors

mcmattila of mcmattilaminis completed a trio of Stormcast Retributors in the colour scheme of the Silverlions. As always I’m loving the clean, defined look of mcmatilla’s work, as wellas the subtle touches of colour on their armour.


Krautscientist’s final two Black Orc Blockers from the Orkheim Ultraz

Krautscientist from the Eternal Hunt completed the final pair of players – in this case a couple of Black Orc Blockers – from his Orkheim Ultraz Blood Bowl Team.

Krautscientist’s completed Orkheim Ultraz Blood Bowl Team.

This also served to complete said team, and so we’ve also got a group shot of the completed team and support personnel. Until he adds more, at least… If you click the link, you’ll see clsoe-ups of each team member, and depending on your familiarity with Blood Bowl models, you may also notice that each and every team member is a conversion. Very impressive!

Krautscientist’s Orkheim Ultraz gobbo extras

With the omentum gained from completing the last two Orcs for the team, Krautscientist also completed a pair of grots for the team. The “assistant” grot, overburdened with a ton of junk counts as a neglected model, while the camera-grot isn’t neglected, but shares the photo anyway.


Dave Kay’s Neglected Beastman and Wood Elf

Dave Kay from Scent of a Gamer completed a pair of old-school neglected Warhammer models. In this case, a Realm of Chaos-era beastman and a 5th edition Wood Elf Scout Standard Bearer. Both models look fantastic, and while Dave isn’t playing either Wood Elves or Beastmans these days, I’m sure they can have a use for roleplaying or boardgames or just being cool shelf-models.


Patrickwr’s Chaos Marauder Horseman

Patrickwr, from Comrade’s Wargames completed the final, holdout Standard Bearer model from a unit of Chaos Marauder Horsemen. Patrick noted how it only took him over a decade to finish the unit this guy belongs too, which, sadly I can only sympathise with so well. The upside of it all is that now that he’s completed, Patrick has a pretty sweet looking completed unit to game with!


John’s Scratchbuilt Buildings.

John of Just Needs Varnish has built and completed a pair of buildings that look like commercial products. No, they’re not from Sarissa, et al. He scratch-built them from card and matchsticks and so forth. Again.


Pete S’ African Huts.

Pete S /SP from SP’s Projects Blog completed multiple projects this last month – the first being this trio of rather charming African Huts obtained from a poster on The Wargames Forum who created and cast them up.

Pete’s Compound.

The second of Pete’s terrain projects for June was this Compound made from 3d prints courtesy of Maenoferren. Bloody nice work, if you ask me!

Pete’s modular sewer pieces.

Finally, Pete wraps up his submissions to the June Terrain Challenge with these modular sewer set pieces from Ainsty Casting. Looks like some nice little pieces to integrate into a larger board.



Finally, my own challenge models for June were pretty reasonable in the end. A bunch of scatter terrain and also a bunch of models that had stuck around for well in excess of 6 months before completion are now all finally out of the queue and off to infinite storage time. If you want to see more of them, just check yesterday’s post!

Is your own Terrain or Neglected June Challenge work missing from here? If you left a link in the announcement thread, then it should be here and I apologise. If there’s no link there, then leave one here. I may seen, read and even commented on your post, but I’m damned if I can remember each and every blog post I go through each month! Broken links, etc – just bring it to my attention and I’ll also fix them up ASAP.