15mm Flames of War DAK Status Markers #3 & Kübelwagen – Battlefront Miniatures (Neglected Model June ’19)

15mm Flames of War DAK Status Markers & Kübelwagen - Battlefront Miniatures

We’ve got the next few models from my finally-getting-completed DAK force today – if I wasn’t so behind in my posts and I was able to post things as I finished them, these might have had two distinct posts, but it ain’t so – and as a result you get a two-fer.

15mm Flames of War DAK Status Markers

The first thing on show are four more “marker” models. This time they designate “run”. And as such, I used teeny models of widdle mans doing a run. Kawaii! amirite?

15mm Flames of War DAK Status Markers

This leaves me with only four more to go. The final four were only started in their most basic form, and so I’ve done their bases and have yet to get started onto their proper paint. Then I’ll be done with that particular little side project of markers.

15mm Flames of War DAK Kübelwagen - Battlefront Miniatures

Next up we have a paif of Volkswagen Kübelwagen – which if you’re not familiar with them, were to the German forces of WWII what the Jeep was to the Allies.

15mm Flames of War DAK Status Markers - Battlefront Miniatures

I don’t fully remember what their use or role was/is in in Flames of War, something to do with officers or command or some such no doubt, but I also figure it’s not that important right now. Once I get the army painted, and maybe even an Opposing force for them, then I’ll worry about pointing out the army, learning to play again, all that sort of stuff…