Mechanismo May ’19 Painting Challenge 2019: Personal Round-Up

As has happened a few times, especially with this year being as messy as it’s been so far – when I took my “personal round-up” photo(s), it turned out that I fucked up a little when trying to take a shot for the challenge as well as a shot for everything else – so with that in mind, I’ve just binned the other photo and we’ll just have to go with this one.

So for the challenge, I finished the bunker-building, 2 Ork artillery pieces, 2 Star Wars Bacta tanks, 2 Legion of the Damned Space Marines in power armour, an Iron Warriors Traitor Legion Vindicator tank, a pair of (captured) Universal Carriers, and a pair of 88mm Flakartillerie and a Ratman with a bionic power fist. Not too shabby, given the circumstances.

I managed to complete a total of 33 models in May. Once again, not what I’d hoped to get done but still squeezing past the model/day that I like to keep up. By end of April I had 147, so this brings me to 180 finished by the end of May.