Mechanovember ’19: Monthly Hobby Challenge

Pandora’s Bits Box’ Imperial Knight

Even while the blog goes through a dry period and the round-up posts start looking a tad Neglected, the challenges continue… following on from last November, we once again have something that’s a bit specific, but still hopefully something that’s still flexible enough to fit in with people’s existing projects (and half-painted/abandoned models). As a bit of a small Mea Culpa for the lack of round-up posts lately, I’ve made sure to showcase some of the work of each participant from last November’s Mechanical November ’18 challenge.

Mark Morin’s French Renault 35s and SOMUA S-35s

The idea for this month’s theme is to paint mechanical models. Now, this might seem restricting, but the way I see it, the theme can be applied pretty broadly. Tanks and indeed, any kind of vehicles work, including Steam Tanks that Dwarfs or Renaissance humans might use. All manner of Droids and Robots, obviously.

Mantic BattleZones Bunker

Lots of terrain pieces work – particularly some of the new-ish stuff from Games Workshop (Sector Mechanicus) but then also a lot of other terrain works well also – Mantic’s Industrial Battlezones for instance and of course no end of resin options from a hundred different companies.

Even smaller stuff like some of the Sci-fi scatter terrain that’s out there can be shoehorned in there.

Dave Kay’s Ape-X

Cyborgs, including non-human cyborgs are as perfect fit.

Buck Surdu’s Soviet KV-1 and KV-2 tanks.

Did I mention tanks? Pretty sure I did!

Argentbadger’s Barathrum Warjack

Walkers of all types, obviously are appropriate. Star Wars, AT-43, DUST, Konflikt ’47, Martian walkers.. you get the idea – as well as the obvious 40k stuff.

mcmattila’s Ork Deff Dreadnought

Didn’t get your Dreadtober piece finished (or started?) No problem, finish it in November and post it up for this month’s challenge!

Tarmor’s Chaos Androids/Necrons from Space Crusade

Some armies are obviously better served than others here. Necrons and Adeptus Mechanicus being a pair of standouts – but I’m happy to consider power armour of whatever kind to be mechanical…


Thomas’ Thousand Sons Forgefiend

…and of course many of those Powered Armoured Armies have bigger and nastier and downright weird mechanical stuff attached to them…

Faust’s Custom-built BloodBowl Dwarf Deathroller

Some things that don’t immediately come to mind as mechanical are absolutely that. (Including some of the weird stuff that comes from games like Blood Bowl or Malifaux). Most fantasy war machines fit the bill and even moreso for historical ones – after all, what is a trebuchet, if not a mechanical device? And yes, chariots are welcome!

Just Needs Varnish’s Marmon Harrington CTLS light tank & Nissan 80 truck

And follopwing on from that – naturally normal cars and trucks – both unmodified…

Maenoferren22’s Dark Future Cars

…or of the Mad Max/Car Wars/Dark Future/Gaslands variety fit in here as well.

Pete S /SP’s A-10 Warthog/Thunderbolt.

Aircraft? Well, yeah, obviously. As a group, we don’t seem to paint up a whole lot of them, but they certainly fit the bill for Mechanovember!

Krautscientist’s Truescale Deathwatch Castigator, Lamentor and Carcharodon Astartes.

And of course.. power armour of whatever stripe.

So have a look at your painting desk, your shelf of shame or even the grey hordes and see what you wanted to get done anyway that you could fit in here.

This challenge starts on the 1st of November and as always, runs until the end of the month. if you finish the model at 11:58pm on the final evening, that’s fine – just get it varnished and photographed in a few days and I’ll include it in the community round-up. I always give a few days grace period.

There’s also no special criteria as to who can or cannot participate. If you’d like to participate, then you can. Simples. Just link your post/models back to this post or leave a comment below with a link so I can find your stuff during the round-up time.

That’s pretty much it. If you might be interested, you’ve got a few days for thinking about it before the challenge starts – though if you’re keen there’s also no reason you can’t be working on your models. Because it’s only about completing models in November! 😉

30 thoughts on “Mechanovember ’19: Monthly Hobby Challenge

  1. Nice and thanks for the shout out. I should do something of course. Love my old French stuff. Looking forward to maybe seeing some of the painting challenge posts that you have in the works – I know the last few months have not been easy for you.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Sounds good! I should have considerably more time this month than in the previous two, so I think this is a good excuse to get started on an IG Sentinel. Or at the very least paint a Space Marine or two..

    Liked by 1 person

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  8. Pingback: French FCM 36 tanks – Mark A. Morin

  9. Pingback: French FCM 36 tanks | H.A.W.K.S.

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