Vikings, Tuttugu ok ein! – Shieldmaiden Warriors with Swords #Fembruary 2021 (Bad Squiddo Games)

Shieldmaiden Warriors with Swords, Bad Squiddo Games

My third batch of Bad Squiddo’s Shieldmaidens complete – three of the four completed by the end of February, and one completed just this side of March. That’d be the lass with the blue top, red scarf and yellow/red shield. She still needs the final coat of varnish, and a little flock added to her base as well. Not sure how lenient Alex over at Leadbaloony is being with the Fembruary submissions, but either way, at least three of these dangerous ladies got across the line in time. Similarly, those three will count for Dave Stone’s Paint What You Got Challenge.

Shieldmaiden Warriors with Swords, Bad Squiddo Games

I much prefer these swordwomen sculpts over the previous Hearthguard Axewomen, and largely over the Hearthguard Swordswomen as well. particularly the models I have on the far left and right here, who are my favourites from the range so far, by far!  Even though they lack the heavier chainmail armour and helms of the hearthguard, their unhelmeted heads manage to have a lot more character and detail than the helmed heads, and the hair looks much better here than that coming out from under the helmets on both sets of Hearthguard.

One more Viking Shieldmaiden post to go for now. Hopefully tomorrow(!?) Then Fembruary Round-Up, then February Round-up (or I’ll combine both of those) and then (hopefully) a round-up for the Paint What You Got Challenge.

I’ve got a few more female models I’d still really like to complete ASAP, even though February is over – and then it’ll be a mix of back to the normal stuff and doing something for Monster March, which I’m happy to see is running again this year!